«Expectations of Catholic Social Teaching Under Pope Benedict XVI Joseph Ratzinger»»
Speech by Peter Koslowski
Professor of Philosophy of Management and History of Philosophy, Vrije Universiteit
Formulating expectations of a newly elected pope naturally has something unassuming about it, but also something fascinating. What can we expect from the new pope from Germany, the first in 500 years, as the Germans say, and the first in a thousand years, as the Dutch say, because they do not recognise Hadrian of Utrecht as the German pope, in terms of his proclamation on social issues? The formation of expectations here concerns two things, firstly the expectation of what he will say, taking into account what he has said so far in his books and the statements of his predecessors, and secondly the expectation of what he should say from the point of view of a philosopher and economist, on which topics he should speak.
The full text of the speech is available as a PDF here:
Text of the Speech