  • De
Zunfthaus zur Meisen, Zurich

58. Economic Conference

The Sustainability of Government Debt

Kwasi Kwarteng

«The Challenges of Growth»

Lars P. Feld

«Why Is Government Debt A Burden?»

Speech by The Rt. Hon. Kwasi Kwarteng

Former Chancellor of the Exchequer under Liz Truss

Speech by Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Lars P. Feld (in German)

Director of the Walter Euken Institution and professor for economics, Albert-Ludwig University of Freiburg

  • The Rt. Hon. Kwasi Kwarteng
  • Prof. Dr. Lars P. Feld
  • Dr. Jürg Müller, Director Avenir Suisse
  • Dr. Ivan Adamovich, CEO Private Client Bank AG
  • Moderation: Mark Dittli, Managing Director and Editor, The Market NZZ