  • En
Date end: 11.07.2004

9. Workshop

Judicial Independence

Judicial Independence, Judicial Activism, Judicial Accountability and the Rule of Law

Das Kolloquium diskutierte Ideen der Lektüren: „Rule of Law, Rechtsstaat und Etat de droit“ von Grothe (1999), „The Federalist Papers“ von Hamilton et. al.(1994), „Judicial Review of Legislation“ von Kelsen (1942), „The Decline of Law“ von Hayek(1994), „Constitutional Cases“ von Dworkin(1986) und „Independent Judges, Dependent Judiciary: Erklärungen zur richterlichen Unabhängigkeit, Southern California Law Review“ von Ferejohn(1999).

The Rise of the Unelected
Frank Vibert, (Acknowledgements)

Erste Session:

  • Grothe, R. (1999); Rule of Law, Rechtsstaat and „Etat de droit“, in: Chr. Starck (ed.): Constitutionalism, Universalism and Democracy – a comparative analysis. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 269-306.

Zweite Session:

  • Hamilton, A., Madison, J. and Jay, J. (1788/1994); The Federalist Papers, papers 78-80 written by Hamilton. and Brutus, The Anti-Federalist Papers and the Constitutional Convention Debates, Papers XI, XII, XIV and XV.

Dritte Session:

  • Kelsen, H. (1942); Judicial Review of Legislation, Journal of Polities 4: 183-200.

Vierte Session:

  • Hayek, F. A. (1960); Chapter 16 („The Decline of Law“) of The Constitution of Liberty, 234-249.

Fünfte Session:

  • Dworkin, R. (1987); Chapter 5 („Constitutional Cases“) of: Taking Rights Seriously, 131-149.

Sechste Session:

  • Ferejohn, J. (1999); Independent Judges, Dependent Judiciary: Explaining Judicial Independence, Southern California Law Review, 72:353-72.