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Speaking of

In this section, we showcase media reports on Progress Foundation events or publications, along with contributions from our Board members.
In the media
Speaking of

Liberalism is an unreasonable demand

Liberalism demands a lot from people. Life in freedom is uncomfortable and exhausting, characterized by insecurity and inequality. Liberal society does not promise a land of milk and honey, but that is precisely why it is humane.
Speaking of

Historiography should focus more on entrepreneurs and less on politicians

Our view of history is often distorted when it comes to the economy. On the one hand, the industrial revolution is often only perceived in terms of social misery. On the other hand, the importance of the economy and, above all, entrepreneurs is massively underestimated.
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Ten commandments of common sense

The "legendary" words of Abraham Lincoln about the strong and the weak and the dangers of debt were never spoken by him. They were not written until long after his assassination by a preacher of German descent. But they have retained their validity in their practical dimension.
Speaking of

Neoliberalism? Hardly. We’re actually living in an era of neo-mercantilism

For almost all economic, many social and even some health problems of our time, an astonishing number of contemporaries only know one scapegoat. The blame lies with "evil neoliberalism". But what about the characteristics attributed to it, deregulation, austerity, social cuts and global competition? A fact check.
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Fortunately, different characters and talents cannot be leveled out

Equality from the start is a great liberal good. However, if children are transferred from family to collective care too early due to a fixation on equality, this damages a pillar of liberal society.
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Pensionskassen-Versicherte haben kaum Einfluss

Zwischen Aktiengesellschaften und Pensionskassen gibt es Ähnlichkeiten. Doch während Aktionäre mit den Füssen abstimmen können, ist dies für Pensionskassen-Versicherte kaum möglich.
Speaking of